Sunday, November 23, 2014

English Language Challenges

Hi guys and teacher today im going to talk about English Language Challenges

English classes at all levels I made were very entertaining, I learned things at school never could understand. Sometimes the days of classes were very stressful and it was hard for me to study for other classes. Many times I wanted to go home and rest but I knew how important it was to participate in classes and improve my English.

My biggest difficulty was losing the shame of being wrong when he spoke in class or say a word wrong, I learned that all my colleagues had trouble English like me and it was not important whether mocked or not, the important thing was to improve and learn.

one of my biggest problems the auditory part, I still costs a little understanding when I hear recordings or movies have to practice more and hear more music in English well I'll see movies in English to understand better when someone talks to me.

The easiest way to learn this semester was writing, that was my favorite part. Learning to write new words and apply them in my day to day.

at present it is very important to know English, I met at work a man from USA and know a little English helped me to communicate, I hope to perfect what I need and learn more.

Next year I'll do a course in English to improve over what I have learned and improve aspects that I need. hopefully in about two years to travel and use everything I learned in college.

Have you had a good year??

Hi guys and teacher today im going to talk about this year..

This year for me has been very good in some ways and more or less in others.
For one thing my parents have been some health problems that has caused me problems and constant concern. fortunately are now a little better and I just have to care much.

But this 2014 has mostly been good for me at the University everything was fine, sometimes stressed out and I just wanted to be in my house, I knew very simpaticas and entertaining people. Also personally it was a beautiful year because I promised my boyfriend, definitely that day (November 1) was one of the best in my life.

Another good thing this year was to learn that one of my best childhood friends is pregnant, the news was very shocking for me not expect to be aunt so soon, but you know how happy she was to be a mother I'm happy for her. I'm anxious waiting for the baby to be born early to love and cherish forever.

Finally another thing that has been very good to me this year was the work, money was very important because he used it to travel from home to study at the university. sometimes working with the university and the different responsibilities I had was a little hard but I could fulfill all my responsibilities.

As you will see in this I was lucky to have a very good 2014 I hope to finish it in the best way and start with all the encouragement in the best way, and that my parents to be in good health.


Hi classmate this day i will talk about a how green i am.

This topic is a little distant for me, unfortunately  i’m not an very ecologic person  maybe for a bad habit or sometimes unconsciousness.  I live in my city rancagua and not much culture for the care of the environment, The mining  pollutes so much  and the city every day looks dirty and contaminated.

The only solution to learn to care for the environment is to educate people and teach them the importance of being responsible in caring for our environment. In my town there are not many places to recycle, maybe teach children in school to care for the planet would help reduce pollution in the future.

As transportation usually use my boyfriend's car, sometimes when the days are not so sunny preferred to walk to go to the supermarket or just for walking, biking is very complicated, the sun is a great enemy for cyclists and soil suffer severe headaches when I'm in the sun.

in my life I have never belonged to an eco-organizations first because I had not interested me much on the subject, secondly because the topic was unknown to me, I know of many eco-organizations but later and slowly I start to change my bad habits and also change the habits of my family. started by removing bags when we go to the supermarket now only use ecological bags, for us it is a great first step.

Santiago and throughout Chile has much to do to improve the environmental pollution first  is educate and second, to respect others.

Friday, November 21, 2014

My career

Hi dear classmates! In this post I want to write about my career and why I choose this.

I’am in my fourth year studding psychology and  I chose to study this career  because  I wanted to be an aid  when  the people had different problem, work with children was my dream  But  my history  with the psychology started  at  the school.

In this place   I met a very good teacher, Nancy Jaramillo,   she was a psychologist and their class for me was very fun.  I enjoyed the days when I have this class. With she I knew more about the psychology, deferent authors, theory and areas of work here started my interest for this career.

In my last year in the school, I searched information of different universities and careers but always with the idea of study psychology , I don’t  liked  any  more  I thought study in the University of Valparaiso but I applied for psychology in the University of Chile and I was accepted.

This moment was very happy for me because I never thought studied my dream career in the best university in Chile. 

Friday, October 17, 2014

My favorite hobbie

Hi classmate in this post i talk about one of my hobby read…

When i was a little girl a like when my mom read for me someone fairytale  this was one of my favorite activities with my parent. This was a moment very especial.

In the school all month we had to read one or two books and i really love this activity. I read with much anticipation.

Now, i don’t have much free time for reading the books that  i like, i have to read a lot for the different test or evaluations  i can say my imagination is "in the jail"   in all my life a read many books, for preference, for curiosity  or for duty.

I read different thing, maybe this have relation with my state emotional, in moments i like reading romance or fictions etc.But my favorite writer is Gabriel Garcia Marquez and my favorite book is "Cien aƱos de Soledad". I read this book approximately in five different moments of my live and always find something different.

Recently i reading "The diet of the death", and i finish on two days i was interested on the topic of anorexia for long time. This book is about the autobiography of Denisse, she has anorexia and telling her history from infancy, different therapies that she has and when she fined help in a psychologist.

 I recommend it to all peope not only to person that suffer this illness, this is a book  recommend for all people for taking conscience and maybe help to somebody

Saturday, October 4, 2014

My experience in the field

Hi classmate! I hope you have a great day : D

Today I going to talk about an experience in the field, this experience was an activity for the subject: legal juridical. I remember this experience because this was my first experience in a trial of a person this was in 2013.

This activity consisted in first place in search in a web site different dates of trial and the crimes that different people were accused. I chose a juice for family violence, I was interested in knew the context of the family  violence principally  in the woman rol.

After that we went to court and were part of the public in this trial.  In that space the victim lawyer and the accused lawyer presented all evidence  were needed to take the decision of the judge. Presented the evidence had a break, after of two hours  the judge was sentencing.

Tthe most difficulty was see the family of the accused, they was so angry with me because i was in this place taking notes... they thought that i was a law student, they asked me and i told them i was just a student of psychology. I told him not to worry that I did not want to inconvenience. 

The best thing about the experience was meeting this area of psychology that was unknown to me. People were very friendly and we ended up talking for a long time. 

Sunday, September 28, 2014

My future job

Hi guys i hope you have a great day… today I going to talk about a future job…

After of four years  the final of my career is coming and is time to think in the future.

I'm studying psychology  and in the future I would like to be a clinical psychologist; I would like to specialize in working with children because I think the childhood is the most important stage in the formation of any person.

I would like to travel sometimes and have the opportunity to know other realities, other countries and cities and of course know different child and contribute with my work to improve the psychology to children.

But I think that the most time I will be in a clinic,  I would convert that space into a appropriate place to work not only with children as with their parents, is important for me  improve the quality of life  of  families who need help with my work.

My ideal job would be in a public hospital everyone asks me why and think I'm crazy for wanting to work in public attention but I think there is a lot of deprivation among those who pay for mental health care and those who do not have money.

I hope in the future  work with these children