Friday, November 21, 2014

My career

Hi dear classmates! In this post I want to write about my career and why I choose this.

I’am in my fourth year studding psychology and  I chose to study this career  because  I wanted to be an aid  when  the people had different problem, work with children was my dream  But  my history  with the psychology started  at  the school.

In this place   I met a very good teacher, Nancy Jaramillo,   she was a psychologist and their class for me was very fun.  I enjoyed the days when I have this class. With she I knew more about the psychology, deferent authors, theory and areas of work here started my interest for this career.

In my last year in the school, I searched information of different universities and careers but always with the idea of study psychology , I don’t  liked  any  more  I thought study in the University of Valparaiso but I applied for psychology in the University of Chile and I was accepted.

This moment was very happy for me because I never thought studied my dream career in the best university in Chile. 

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