Sunday, November 23, 2014

English Language Challenges

Hi guys and teacher today im going to talk about English Language Challenges

English classes at all levels I made were very entertaining, I learned things at school never could understand. Sometimes the days of classes were very stressful and it was hard for me to study for other classes. Many times I wanted to go home and rest but I knew how important it was to participate in classes and improve my English.

My biggest difficulty was losing the shame of being wrong when he spoke in class or say a word wrong, I learned that all my colleagues had trouble English like me and it was not important whether mocked or not, the important thing was to improve and learn.

one of my biggest problems the auditory part, I still costs a little understanding when I hear recordings or movies have to practice more and hear more music in English well I'll see movies in English to understand better when someone talks to me.

The easiest way to learn this semester was writing, that was my favorite part. Learning to write new words and apply them in my day to day.

at present it is very important to know English, I met at work a man from USA and know a little English helped me to communicate, I hope to perfect what I need and learn more.

Next year I'll do a course in English to improve over what I have learned and improve aspects that I need. hopefully in about two years to travel and use everything I learned in college.

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