Sunday, September 28, 2014

My future job

Hi guys i hope you have a great day… today I going to talk about a future job…

After of four years  the final of my career is coming and is time to think in the future.

I'm studying psychology  and in the future I would like to be a clinical psychologist; I would like to specialize in working with children because I think the childhood is the most important stage in the formation of any person.

I would like to travel sometimes and have the opportunity to know other realities, other countries and cities and of course know different child and contribute with my work to improve the psychology to children.

But I think that the most time I will be in a clinic,  I would convert that space into a appropriate place to work not only with children as with their parents, is important for me  improve the quality of life  of  families who need help with my work.

My ideal job would be in a public hospital everyone asks me why and think I'm crazy for wanting to work in public attention but I think there is a lot of deprivation among those who pay for mental health care and those who do not have money.

I hope in the future  work with these children

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