Sunday, September 28, 2014

Cultural Shock

Hi classmates! in this post i talk about the cultural shock.

As student of psychology I understand this topic as the different changes that a person confront when arrive to other country and know other culture all is different; for example food, lifestyle, transportation etc. All this changes have a impact or shock in the life of one person when arrive to other place.

I personally have never had the chance to travel to another country, but I remember that if I met a guy form Colombia he is now studying psychology in the university and he told me all changes that he lived when arrived to chile.

For him many things are very different the food, lifestyle and words that we used. The chilean use words very particular por example "cachay, altiro or words ends in po" this was a aspect very complicated for him many times he didn't understand when a classmate spoke with he. The chilean speak very fast and sometimes  pronounce really bad or  get shorter the word. 

My friend missed the friendliness of the Colombian people they are very cordial and funny but the chilean people is less affectionate and always seems to be angry. 
For him to live in chile was a difficult but interesting experience

1 comment:

  1. Nice post Nicole! I think that the university make me discover so much things too, and diverse people, like you and your colombian friend. Hugs!!
