Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Hello guys!

I took this picture from Iloca  on my first trip to the south of Chile with my brother, a friend and my boyfriend , in October 2013.
This picture is very simple i'm not a expert photographer,   but i love it because represent all that i love, have  peace, relaxation , purity and tranquility. This picture was took for me when we visit  diferents beach of the south

This travel was very spontaneous, my big brother tell me about this idea of go to the south , one hour before to go! ... I was  confuse.. i didn't  know if i should go with he...
So,  i call my friend in this moment, now my  boyfriend and he tell me that he want go!...  and finally  decided we start  the adventure.

I love remember this travel, because this place was the perfect scenery for beginning my history of love  :) and i visit  beautiful places, I ate seafood and meet very nice people. This travel during one weekend..  and i hope come back some day..

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Altruistic love

Hi guys! 
Today I will tell you about a true love...  altruistic love
My first pet, my beautiful kitty, Celeste.
On 17 of December, 2012 one day  before  my birthday my mom

gave me a wonderful present, she brought  at the house this pet for me.
From this day i became in  my cat mom  and  today i'm a cat lover. 
The love that Celeste gives me is so pure, she doesn't lie to me, doesn't hurt me,
she is only love and purrs :)
When i think about  Celeste or see her in my house, happy and free i feel sad
for the animals in the zoo, I DISAGREE with animal in jail , the animals are not a object! 
Fortunately , i have never been bitter by any animals , maybe for this
reason i love  her so much.
Finally some days i feel (when i'm tired because of the university or my job) i would like be
a cat because the life of the cats is all about sleeping , eating , play, and sleeping more 

 I want this life. 

Celeste, sleeping happy, and with her teddy :) prrrrs!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


I hear this all days...
Nicole please leave your cell phone! ( say: my dad, mom, friends or my boyfriend) 
but i can't! it's so fun :) 
My  favourite piece of technology is my cellphone, I have it from six month and  I bought  it in a liquidation in Ripley.
I use mi cellphone for differents things, call,  for read, send emails, send message for  whatsapp, listening music, watch movies por Netflix, check a documents etc...
I use my phone all the time, in the bus, in class (except in english jajaja), etc.

 BUT i have a ruler: I don't use mi phone when speaking with other persons i really hate when the people do this!

you see that? I can do so much with only ONE piece of technology .. my life is more easy with my phone, i forget of the heavy rucksack with my old notebook or computer

The beginning of the end

Finally  my fourth year... four years of the many emotions, illusions,errors, friends, etc. the begginning of the end is comming ... :D
This year i have the opportunity of take differents subjects, finally it's me, who choose that learn.!
 I have six differents subjects:
- capacitation and development of persons
- clinic intervention
- psychology of sports
- psychology for parents
- historical notes of the psychology  in Chile
- english III
I really like this semester i have very good teachers and classmate,
 in this ocation i don't  taking extracurriculars because i dont have many free time.
I hope not die in this semester!, no really I but i hope will really prepared for all the exams and homeworks ahhh and can sleep more of five hours for day...please! 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Who am I?

Hi, mi name is Nicole Acuña, i'm twenty one years old. I was born in Rengo, a small town of the Rancagua. I living with my parent and my little sister, oh wait! i forgot my beautiful cat, Celeste. 
At present i'm studding psychology in the University of Chile, i'm in my fourth year. But not only studding, i have two part-time jobs in my "free" time.  I work hard for my next holidays in Perú and Bolivia with my boyfriend, but sometimes,  I fell really tired...
In the weekend i really loved go to the park, listening music, read- without pressure - and watch the Simpsons all day!
My favorite group is Green Day, I like since, more of ten years. But only i can see them in Chile one time. 

Finally... in the next picture present my
 son, my cat-son. OK, i'm a Cat- lover!